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Year 6 Residential

Last week, Year 6 had an amazing week to try and form new friendships and make new memories with their classmates and their teachers. 71 children went to Castlehead where they had an incredible time. Every single child had a go at canoeing and played great games, chasing ducks and learning how to turn a canoe like a compass. We also had a go on the low and high ropes. Both involved amazing balance and teamwork but the high climbing was a little scary – thank goodness everyone was so supportive! We also tried orienteering, obstacle courses and hiking up a limestone hill to see an amazing view over all of Morecambe Bay. What an amazing trip!

For the children who stayed at school, there was still lots of fun to be had. Mr Snape planned some great activities, making African shakers and playing some incredible music. They also made 3D animals so it felt like being on safari. Mrs Jones also took everyone out for forest school fun, where they had hot chocolate and pancakes. A fantastic week for everyone!

Proud to part of the Bright Futures Education Trust
Stanley Grove Primary Academy
Parry Road, Longsight
Manchester M12 4NL
Ofsted CEOP