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Phonics is the foundation to all reading and writing. We invest heavily in teaching children the code, so they can become fluent readers and creative writers before they leave Stanley Grove Primary Academy.

 Programme  Interventions Books and Reading Practice 
Nursery Little Wandle Foundation Programme  
Reception Little Wandle letters and sounds programme 
Little Wandle SEND programme – only for children with complex SEND issues affecting cognition    
Daily Keep Up 1:1 / Group Wordless books (non-blenders) Little Wandle Big Cat books phases 2-4 Follow the three-read-model (decoding, prosody & comprehension) 
Year 1 Little Wandle letters and sounds programme 
Little Wandle SEND programme – only for children with complex SEND issues affecting cognition    
Daily Keep Up 1:1 / Group Guided reading following the three-read-model (decoding, prosody & comprehension) Wordless books (non-blenders) Little Wandle Big Cat books phases 2-5 
Year 2 Little Wandle Rapid Catch Up – children not on-track Phase 5 review programme (5 weeks) 
Bridge to Spelling (5 weeks) Y2 Spelling programme
Little Wandle SEND programme – only for children with complex SEND issues affecting cognition    
Rapid Catch Up 1:1 / Group Guided reading following the three-read-model (decoding, prosody & comprehension) Little Wandle Big Cat books phases 2-5 (consider purchase of LW ‘Stretch and Challenge Books) Little Wandle Fluency books (levels 1-4) 
Year 3 onwards Little Wandle SEND programme – only for children with complex SEND issues affecting cognition    Rapid Catch Up  Little Wandle Big Cat books (consider purchase of 7+ books) Guided reading following the three-read-model (decoding, prosody & comprehension) Little Wandle Fluency books (levels 1-4) KS2 whole class and guided reading model followed 


  • Little Wandle Foundations programme is adapted for both whole class and small group delivery throughout the week.
  • Opportunities are provided throughout the day, to reinforce and practise oral blending and segmenting, eg. “come and s-i-t sit on the m-a-t mat”, ‘you may leave the carpet when I say your name, a-b-d-u-l, f-i-z-a etc.”

Reception and Year 1

  • A daily discreet 30-minute lesson following Little Wandle year group plan.
  • ‘Keep up not catch up’ – all children are included in the daily whole class lesson – magnetic boards and letters may be used by children with limited pencil control – children may work in smaller groups with an additional adult during the ‘practise’ and ‘apply’ section of the daily lesson to practise and apply blending and segmenting of words that are matched to their known PGCs.
  • Additional ‘Little Wandle Keep Up’ daily sessions for children at risk of falling behind

Year 2

  • Autumn 1 – all children have a daily Little Wandle Letters and Sounds lesson to revisit phases 2, 3, 4 and 5, based on gaps in learning from the summer term assessment.
  • Autumn 2 onwards – all children who are not secure with phase 5 continue with a daily Little Wandle Letters and Sounds lesson.
  • Little Wandle
  • A daily ‘1:1 Little Wandle Rapid Catch-up’ session for children who didn’t reach the Y1 phonics check standard.

Year 3 and above

  • All children not yet secure with phase 5 continue with a daily Little Wandle Letters and Sounds lesson to revisit phases 2, 3, 4 and 5, based on gaps in learning from the summer term assessment – delivered as an intervention.

Reception onwards for pupils accessing Little Wandle Phonics

  • Little Wandle SEN programmes may be used to support pupils whom require additional support.
  • Little Wandle Phonics Tracker is used for summative assessment – to be completed half termly and designed to keep track of progress, inform next steps and identify children for ‘LW Keep Up’.
  • The Little Wandle Placement Assessment is carried out with children new to school.
  • Guided reading – Little Wandle ‘Big Cat’ fully decodable reading books matched to children’s current learning in phonics – lessons focus on decoding/prosody/comprehension.
  • Home reading – Little Wandle ‘Big Cat’ fully decodable reading book and e-books matched to children’s current learning in phonics.

Proud to part of the Bright Futures Education Trust
Stanley Grove Primary Academy
Parry Road, Longsight
Manchester M12 4NL
Ofsted CEOP