At Stanley Grove , the children’s’ understanding of their rights has been developed through various charters. The aim of the charters is for the rights holders (the children) to decide which rights they feel are most important to them in school and to decide how they and duty-bearers (the adults) can make sure these rights are being met.
Every class has a Class Charter that is developed with the children. Here are some examples of Class Charters :
Children have learnt about the ABCDE of Rights. ABCDE of Rights mean that :
All children have Rights, children are born with their Rights, Rights cannot be taken away, they do not have to be earnt and all Rights are equal. Have a look at some posters the children have made :
Stanley Grove enrolled on the UNICEF’s Rights Respecting School programme in 2017 and we were awarded GOLD status in 2022.
The aim of the charity is to works with thousands of schools across the country to embed children’s rights in their ethos and culture to improve well-being and develop every child’s talents and abilities to their full potential. The Award recognises a school’s achievement in putting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC or UNCRC) into practice within the school and beyond.
Achieving GOLD: Rights Aware means there is evidence that:
Here at Stanley Grove Primary Academy, we feel that children’s rights are essential to education even for the youngest children and that the programme will contribute to their development in later life.
Mrs Begum and Mrs McDougall are currently leading on the school’s Right Respecting work. We also have a steering group made up all children from across key stages 1 and 2 who are ambassadors for all children in the school. We call them the Student Rights councillors. The Ambassadors meet up each week to action their work on community projects.
Our Nurture Principles and Learning Outside the Classroom curriculum, are both heavily influenced by the Rights Respecting Articles, and are at the heart of all parts of Stanley Grove life.
In addition to this, there are also rights displays in school, lessons being taught in classes, parent workshops and ‘rights’ assemblies each Monday morning.
We are SO PROUD of our GOLD accreditation.
At Stanley Grove, we value working with our families and community to improve our children’s access to activities and involve everyone in their child’s education.
Please keep checking on Class Dojo for regular updates about what we are learning about in school!
SGPA Wellbeing Charter
How do we realise the rights of children at SGPA
RRSNur letter to parents
Rights Respecting Schools at Stanley Grove
ABCDE of rights
ABCDE of Rights poster competition
Fairness, Equality and Dignity Assembly for Parents
RRA Role and Responsibility of a Wellbeing Ambassador